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Trasporti Nautici Vitali is a company specialized on boat transportation since 1961, year when Vitali Brothers decided to start this activity based on boat and other serveral transports.

Over the years Vitali Brothers left their business to their heirs whom turned into several companies in the same nautical field, including the above mentioned company.

Nowadays Trasporti Vitali has evolved and became dynamic a following its customers; it is managed by two members Vitali Daniele and Vitali Giulio with the help of two employees whom cooperate for transports and an internal employee that takes care of all office activities from road permits till administation.

Trasporti Vitali has four eavy vehicles to load boats from medium to exceptional size. It is a daily committent plan technical ecorts services, made with own vehicles, this to be dynamics and custode oriented.

Trasporti Nautici Vitali…. since 1961 efficency and reliablity in boats transport…..


Trasporti Nautici Vitali – 24060 PREDORE (BG) – P.zza Vecchia Filanda, 24 – Tel/Fax +39.035.938150